Exclusive Breastmilk Feeding In a Challenging Situation

A Story of True Grit Salma, 33-year-old mother of two boys aged 6 and 8 years old, has had chronic kidney disease for the last two years. She was prescribed steroids and immunosuppressant therapy; she stopped on her own after some symptomatic improvement after she took them for only six...

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Ms. Annes Mboya and her colleagues providing breastfeeding counseling to a mother, Kakuma Refugee Camp

“We end up losing babies for reasons we can easily prevent.”

Insights from Annes Mboya, nurse-midwife at Kakuma Refugee Camp By Annes Mboya, Nurse-Midwife, IRC; Andrea Edman, Advocacy & Communications Specialist, IAWG Newborn Initiative When a woman comes to the hospital walking, they should go home walking. If they came to the hospital with a baby in their tummy that was...

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A novel mobile phone-based interactive e-learning course for neonatal care

Background Innovations in technology have revolutionised almost every aspect of life, and health care and medical education are no exception. Online learning (or e-learning) is a perfect panacea for the current times, with its easy access, affordability, flexibility, and learning pedagogy. [1] However, students often find online learning boring and...

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