Jabotech Creative Media

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Jabotech Creative Media is a social enterprise committed to developing creative solutions that solve problems in  the health and education sector through the power of information and communication technologies (ICTs)

What we do

Mobile and Business Application Development

Our flagship mobile health project is called BabyMed. BabyMed is an innovative and integrated mobile health information service that delivers accurate, affordable, and timely information relating to maternal and child health care.The platform will provide important weekly health messages to pregnant women, mothers with new born babies and their family members. It comprises of free text messages, free voice messages and a mobile application

The objective of the platform is to offer pregnant women, mothers with new born babies and their family members– located in every corner of the country and from any income level – healthy pregnancy advice and early childhood care information.  This information includes time sensitive reminders for such events as antenatal clinic visits and taking of malaria prevention medication. This information is carefully timed and relevant to the specific registrant, like pregnant women or their supporters. The carefully targeted large range of healthy pregnancy topics, from ante-natal care (ANC) visit reminders to birth planning and ‘fun’ informative information for all these types of audiences, makes this a unique service