Defining ‘N’ in RMNCAH-Every Newborn Action Plan Country Planning and Costing Toolkit and User Guide

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Defining ‘N’ in RMNCAH-Every Newborn Action Plan Country Planning and Costing Toolkit and User Guide is a resource kit that aims to fill the information gap by bringing together the wealth of knowledge that exists in fore-runner countries, to make examples and lessons learned available to all countries aspiring to strengthen the newborn component in their RMNCAH plans. It is intended for use by all those engaged with planning and costing newborn health activities, such as health
planners, health managers, and technical experts in maternal and newborn health.

Why now?
Partners recognized the need to provide more guidance for a harmonized and evidence-based approach to planning and costing newborn health activities in countries. This document hopes to fill this gap, by offering practical guidance to apply the available tools. It is intended to complement other sources of support, for example technical assistance available from country, regional and HQ offices of UN agencies, or from other international and national organizations involved in this work.

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