Understanding the reasons for hospital and home births in Haiti

A post from the Stillbirth Advocacy Working Group stillbirths series by Alka Dev In a country like Haiti, where 60% of women deliver at home, it is not uncommon that women find themselves in very risky situations if something starts to go wrong during labor or delivery. In rural areas...

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Pregnant in a War Zone: Why Respectful Maternity Care Matters in Humanitarian Settings

Voices from the Field features contributions from scholars and practitioners highlighting new research, thinking, and approaches to development challenges. This piece is authored by Betsy McCallon, CEO, White Ribbon Alliance. Respectful maternity care (RMC) is a human right and an integral component of comprehensive health services. Components of RMC include...

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Midwives on the Edge—Providing Essential Care in Crisis Settings

Across many settings, midwives are key players in the maternal health workforce. The Maternal Health Task Force’s Kayla McGowan recently had the pleasure of interviewing Sera Bonds, Founder/CEO of Circle of Health International, for her insight into successes, challenges and the role of midwifery in crisis settings. KM: Please describe...

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