Les sages-femmes luttent contre les causes de la mortalité maternelle et infantile en République démocratique du Congo

Je suis devenue infirmière car ma grand-mère était infirmière, mes sœurs sont infirmières et l’une de mes tantes est infirmière. » a indiqué Neema Kitima, accoucheuse principale à l’hôpital Bahira de la ville de Bukavu en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Bien que 80% des naissances en RDC surviennent dans...

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Community health volunteers in Zambia show the way to improve survival of mothers and babies

A post from the Stillbirth Advocacy Working Group stillbirths series by Paula Quigley Pregnant women in rural communities across Africa face enormous challenges in accessing appropriate health care. Often there are few healthcare providers available locally with the appropriate skills needed for managing complications that may arise during the pregnancy...

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Fighting Group B Streptococcus in the hardest hit places

One of the earliest and most dangerous health threats young infants face is one many parents have never even heard of: Group B Streptococcus (GBS), which causes a bacterial infection that can take hold at or within a few hours of birth. The leading cause of sepsis and meningitis in...

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Managing Low Birth Weight in Rwanda

“It would have been very painful and harmful if we had lost our firstborn,” Laurence Uwamahoro says as she breastfeeds her newborn son. Laurence lives in Murehe, a rural region of eastern Rwanda, with her husband, Jean d’Amour Nduwimana, and their newborn, Yvan. Jean d’Amour sits next to his wife...

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