Nepal’s ‘health army’ has transformed the lives of people in remote areas

Nepal HNN Team

Volunteers have been transforming the lives of villagers, delivering primary medical care and saving mothers from often certain death.

Nepal: Making a difference

Nepal HNN Team

Since its inception in 1988, the FCHV programme has proven to be a key factor in Nepal’s dramatic reduction in maternal and child mortality.

Nepal: Government announces free ‘newborn package’

Nepal HNN Team

Existing rates of neonatal death caused by hypothermia, pneumonia and other infectious diseases could be checked by warm clothing, health officials said.

Nepal: 140 kids to run for child survival

Nepal HNN Team

The world’s largest children marathon, which takes place in 40 countries, aims to draw the attention of public and political sectors towards child survival.

Global child mortality rates “halved”

Ethiopia, Nepal, Bangladesh, Liberia, Malawi, Niger, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda HNN Team

The report indicated that even some of the world’s poorest countries were able to dramatically reduce child mortality rates.

Nepal: Where infants die, new mums live

Nepal HNN Team

The number of neonatal deaths has not seen a decline in the last one decade, which experts said, calls for an urgent revision of the current programmes and policies of the government.

Consultation on neonatal health ends

Nepal, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan HNN Team

During the Every Newborn Asia Regional Consultation, child health experts shared their experiences and remedies to reduce neonatal mortality.

Nepal commits to decrease infant mortality rate

Nepal, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan HNN Team

The Health Ministry of Nepal has renewed its commitment to dedicate more efforts towards decreasing infant mortality in the country, said Dr Padam Bahadur Chand of the ministry at Every Newborn consultation in Kathmandu.

Nepal: Pact for maternal, neonatal care

Nepal HNN Team

UNICEF is set to assist the government in scaling up MNCH interventions in the National Health Sector Programme II (NHSP II).  

Nepal: Better maternal‚ child health in focus

Nepal HNN Team

The government is launching a ‘Golden 1000 Days programme’ in a bid to ensure better health for newborns and mothers in 282 village development committees in 15 districts east of the Kathmandu Valley.