Identification of possible serious bacterial infection (PSBI) and timely initiation of appropriate antibiotic treatment can dramatically increase a newborn’s chance of survival.

Recent research has shown that when hospitalization is not possible, a safe, effective, and simpler antibiotic treatment can be provided in lower-level facilities.


All data on this page represents the most recent data available, unless otherwise noted. Please visit our Newborn Numbers page and download the Excel spreadsheet to explore the data further.

PSBI Community of Practice (CoP)

The PSBI CoP defines itself as “groups of people who share a concern or passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.” These groups facilitate the collective pursuit of a shared interest through relationship building, learning and information sharing about a specific practice area or need. They also stimulate dialogue, capture and diffuse existing knowledge, support collaboration, organize members around purposeful action, generate new knowledge and help to connect people who might not ordinarily interact. Given these features, COPs are uniquely positioned to help drive the research-to-use process by supporting stakeholder engagement, knowledge management, research translation, and research dissemination.

Key resources