Ivonne G?mez Pasquier

Dr. Ivonne Gómez Pasquier is the Director of the USAID ASSIST Project in Nicaragua, with 11 years of experience that includes working with URC on the USAID QAP AND HCI projects. During the first nine years she supported the Ministry of Health in Nicaragua to implement continuous quality improvement in maternal and newborn health at the national level, in the updating of guidelines and protocols and in defining quality standards and indicators. In the past two years Dr. Gomez has directed the transfer of all of these health processes to universities, specifically to those connected with the developing resources for health service delivery (doctors and nurses). Dr. Gomez has been directly involved in supporting the educational programs at eight universities in Nicaragua that have medical and nursing schools to incorporate the Ministry of Health’s guidelines and protocols in topics of obstetric neonatal compilations, family planning, and HIV.