Caught in the COVID-19 storm: women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health in the context of UHC and the SDGs

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Even before COVID-19, global progress towards 2030 targets to save the lives of women and children was already lagging by around 20%. The global pandemic is making a bad situation even worse.

The IAP report reviews the status of key EWEC indicators and the implications of COVID 19 on women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health and rights. It presents country scorecards, analyses of critical challenges and factors for success, and highlights from country case studies. It sets out an accountability framework with four pillars (Commit, Justify, Implement, Progress). The IAP then gives three main recommendations as to how countries and other stakeholders can achieve their goals: 1) Investing in data systems; 2) Ensuring that accountability is institutionalized; 3) Acting upon the voices of people and communities.

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