Findings from a context specific accreditation assessment at 38 public midwifery education institutions in Bangladesh

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In order to promote sustainable midwifery education, it is important to understand what the structural shortcomings are. In this study of 38 public nursing institutions in Bangladesh, we aim to identify a number of structural shortcomings and to discuss strategies for limiting them.


An evaluated context-specific accreditation assessment tool consisting of 37 multi-choice closed-response questions encompassing 14 educational standards aligned with international standards for midwifery education programs and competences for midwifery educators was used to assess all public nursing institutions in Bangladesh (n = 38), the results of which are presented in simple descriptive statistics; number (n), percentage (%), mean, SD and minimum-maximum value.


Provision around clinical practice sites is the key structural shortcoming within the Bangladeshi midwifery educational system. Twenty-five percent of the institutions provided no opportunity for midwifery students to practice comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care. Twenty-nine per cent of the clinical sites were not aware of the content of midwifery courses and syllabi. Finally, one third of students achieving a midwifery qualification did not meet the learning outcomes to support women in birth.

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