The Business Case: Why and How Should Industry Engage in Maternal and Newborn Health? (2011 Updated Edition)

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Why does the role of industry matter in maternal and newborn health (MNH) and how can the private sector best engage in this field? The Business Case report provides resources and recommendations for how and why industry players can partner with MNH organizations-using a business-centric approach.

This 2011 updated edition features a "Voices of Industry" section, where corporate and other MNH leaders share thoughtful ideas and approaches that industry can apply towards creating impactful change in MNH around the globe.

Read the 2011 Updated Edition of The Business Case, which features excerpts from the 2010 Summit plenary session, "Delivering Results: How Can We Mobilize the Creativity of Business?" to learn about key ways that the private sector can contribute to the field of MNH, including:

  • How can industry contribute to implementing or promoting improvements in MNH outcomes in developing countries in a sustainable yet still business-minded way?
  • How can businesses contribute to ensuring that innovations, products, and modern technologies for MNH, and health more broadly, reach those most in need?
  • How can companies whose core business is not overtly focused on mothers and babies still engage and contribute to improving MNH-beyond simply writing a check?

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