Displaying 25-48 of 455 resources


Effect of delayed cord clamping on jaundice and hypoglycemia in the neonates of ...
First page of article including abstract, title, and authors
Effects of delayed versus immediate umbilical cord clamping in reducing death or...
Ending Preventable Maternal Mortality (EPMM): A Renewed Focus for Improving Mate...
Ending preventable maternal mortality (EPMM): coverage targets
Extreme heat, preterm birth, and stillbirth: A global analysis across 14 lower-middle income countries
Extreme heat, preterm birth, and stillbirth: A global analysis across 14 lower-m...
First page of article including article, authors, journal information, and abstract
Global, regional, and national causes of under-5 mortality in 2000–19: an upda...
Healthy Newborn Network Quarterly Newsletter | 2021 Highlights in Newborn Health
Healthy Newborn Network Quarterly Newsletter | Quarter Two | 2021
Implementing an intrapartum package of interventions to improve quality of care ...
Levels & Trends in Child Mortality Estimation Report 2021
Maternal mortality in six low and lower-middle income countries from 2010 to 201...
First page of article including abstract, authors, and journal information
Neonatal care during the COVID-19 pandemic – a global survey of parents’...
First page containing article title and authors
Preterm care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A comparative risk analysis of neonat...
Rates and risk factors for preterm birth and low birthweight in the global netwo...
Regional trends in birth weight in low- and middle-income countries 2013–2018
SSNB CoP Webinar Slides: The Role of Midwives and Nurses in Protecting, Promotin...
The association of COVID-19 infection in pregnancy with preterm birth: A retrosp...
State Of The World's Midwifery 2021 report cover page
The State of the World’s Midwifery 2021: Report & Supplements
Why are the Pakistani maternal, fetal and newborn outcomes so poor compared to o...
Zero separation: infant and family-centred developmental care in times of COVID-...