Born on Time Summary Report 2018

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Born on Time – a public-private partnership dedicated to the prevention of preterm birth – is a five-year, CAD $30.6 million project, working across Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Mali. These countries have some of the highest preterm birth rates globally and combined, account for an estimated 847,000 preterm births each year (Every Preemie Scale, 2019).

The initiative has made significant strides towards implementing approaches that address the risk factors associated with preterm births and improving care for premature babies, reflected in this 2018 summary report. Born on Time targets risk factors related to unhealthy lifestyles, maternal infections, inadequate nutrition and limited access to contraception that can lead to babies being born too soon.

The initiative supports the empowerment of women and adolescent girls, and engages men, boys and community leaders to address gender-based discrimination and barriers that can have long-lasting impacts on maternal and newborn health. Working closely with local governments and community stakeholders, the initiative brings together the collective expertise and resources from World Vision Canada, Plan International Canada, Save the Children Canada, the Government of Canada and Johnson & Johnson.

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