Virtual Capacity Building for Quality Improvement Teams & Coaches – A key step towards institutionalization of quality of care efforts at national, subnational and health facility level

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the availability of essential health services - especially services for pregnant women, newborns and children - that cannot be delayed or shifted to other settings. In many lower middle-income countries, maternal and child mortality remain high, and hard-won gains could falter without continued attention. Practitioners...

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Improving postpartum education: more important than ever

In the initial days of the lockdown in India, Noora Health spoke with recently delivered mothers to understand their experiences. Challenges that mothers reported centered around what they should do if they or their baby got sick: “If my baby has any health issues, how will I go to the...

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Breastfeeding for a healthier planet

By Miski Abdi Building a healthier planet starts with the simplest of actions and requires us all. Even the smallest members of society have a powerful role to play. Mothers and their young infants might seem to some like the unlikeliest of actors in the global climate change efforts, but...

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Joint Regional Webinar Series on Continuity of Maternal and Newborn Services

As of March 2020, the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, and the virus had spread to many countries and territories. While COVID-19 continues to spread, communities must take action to prevent further transmission, reduce the negative impacts of the outbreak and...

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