Thrive Networks and Embrace Merge Newborn Health Solutions: Programs Join Forces to Multiply Lifesaving Impact

Afghanistan, Benin, Cambodia, China, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zambia, Vietnam, South Sudan

Thrive Networks and newborn care innovator Embrace are joining forces to increase the reach and impact of their solutions to a persistent global health challenge: the unacceptably high newborn mortality rate in countries around the globe. 

Governments can prevent tragic death toll of mothers and babies

Nigeria, Nepal, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Democratic Republic of the Congo, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan HNN Team

Governments could substantially reduce the tragic death toll of infants and mothers by making postnatal care services more accessible – especially to impoverished and poorly educated women in rural areas, according to a study.

Mobile obstetrics programme improved maternal health in Eastern Burma

Myanmar HNN Team

A community based mobile obstetrics initiative could improve maternal health and access to medical assistance for expectant mothers in Burma.