Pakistan: Plan to cut child, maternal mortality rates: Millennium goals set to be missed

Pakistan HNN Team

Ms. Wazirali said the plan is based on interventions and strategies and covered delivery of a package of MNCH services in 40 least developed areas and districts.

Saving Lives at Birth: A Grand Challenge for Development Round III Request for Applications

HNN Team

The Challenge seeks to identify and develop transformative approaches that integrate new science and technology, better service delivery models, and improved "demand side" innovations.

Sex of newborn associated with place and mode of delivery; a population-based study in northern Vietnam


 A recent study published in Gender Medicine show evidence of sex discrimination at delivery, influencing place and mode of delviery. 

Pakistan: Maternal, child health & nutrition‘ should be national priority’

Pakistan HNN Team

Health experts, politicians, policymakers and donors in Pakistan push for political groups to include RMNCH and nutrition at their own regional and national forums. 

Norway, India join hands to improve infant, maternal mortality

India HNN Team

The Norway-India Partnership Initiative (NIPI) will be expanded to complement the existing efforts to scale-up newborn care in several Indian states. 

Pakistan: Family planning must to prevent maternal, newborn deaths: Razzaque

Pakistan HNN Team

Islamic scholar supports family planning as a way to reduce maternal and neonatal death in Pakistan. 

Bangladesh shows the way

Bangladesh HNN Team

Dr. Fida Mehran writes about the increasing use of mobile technology in maternal and child health efforts in Bangladesh. 

Pakistan: 1200 Trained Health Workers to Sensitize Breastfeeding

Pakistan HNN Team

Provincial health officials and UNICEF say there is a dire need to promote breastfeeding to decrease the ratio of infant, child and maternal mortality in Pakistan. 

India: ‘Pre-term babies can live well if managed properly’

India HNN Team

Doctors in India say cases of prematurity could be prevented if pregnant women underwent heath and nutrition assessments before giving birth. 

China eliminates maternal and neonatal tetanus


 China eliminates maternal and neonatal tetanus