Alarming statistics: ‘Sindh facing highest infant, maternal mortality rates in country’

Pakistan HNN Team

Global experiences indicate that one way of bringing about an improvement in this situation is a proficient front line of skilled midwives along with support supervision and strong linkages with referral system.

Pakistan: Midwifery initiative yet to achieve desired gains, seminar told

Pakistan HNN Team

Though gains have been made in integrating community and district level midwifery programmes, many parts of Sindh Province are still without support of lady health workers and trained midwives.

The low cost technology saving premature babies’ lives

India HNN Team

At Vanivilas hospital in Bangalore the neonatal ICU sees scores of premature babies. Most are born at home, in far off rural areas and are brought here in critical condition.

Study finds youngest preemies at significant risk of neurodevelopmental problems

HNN Team

The research actually pools the results of a number of studies looking at what life is like for the youngest surviving preemies when they reach four-to-eight years of age.

Neonatal infection ‘associated with bacterial infection in the mother’

A new study has revealed that early-onset neonatal infection is associated with the mother.  

Civil Society ask government to address Uganda’s health worker crisis

Uganda HNN Team

The coalition says prioritizing health worker production, motivation, recruitment and retention in the current financial year (2013/14) budget is an urgent priority, especially for undeserved and hard to reach districts. 

Men too are responsible for breastfeeding: experts

India HNN Team

The community champions reached the unreached pockets with the help of mass media and educated mothers and other family members abut the importance of breastfeeding.

A Year of Breast-Feeding

HNN Team

For each additional month a baby was breast-fed, verbal ability was higher at age 3, and verbal and nonverbal I.Q. scores were higher at age 7, the study concluded. 

Nigeria: Why breastfeeding is becoming unpopular, by mothers

Nigeria HNN Team

Dr Bunmi Ogundimu of Colostrum International said there is need for policy change and promotion of legislations that accommodate longer maternity break for nursing mothers and the father too.