Displaying 193-216 of 506 resources


Impact of adolescent age on maternal and neonatal outcomes in the Born in Bradfo...
Impact of results-based financing on effective obstetric care coverage: evidence...
Improving management of neonatal infections
Innovations in Patient-Centered Antenatal Care: A pregnancy club for women in Ea...
Introducing and sustaining EENC in hospitals: kangaroo mother care for pre-term ...
Involving male partners in maternity care in Burkina Faso: a randomized control ...
Let’s Make It Work!: Breastfeeding in the workplace: Using Communication f...
Making Strides to Prevent and Treat Malaria in Pregnancy (infographic)
Maternal Nutrition Programming in the context of the 2016 WHO Antenatal Care Gui...
Maternity waiting homes and skilled delivery in Ethiopia: Review of strategy and...
Mothers treatment seeking intention for neonatal danger signs in northwest Ethio...
New research finds omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of premature birth
Not just a number: examining coverage and content of antenatal care in low-incom...
Nurturing the Health and Wealth of Nations: The Investment Case for Breastfeedin...
Recomendaciones de la OMS sobre atención prenatal para una experiencia positiv...
Recomendaciones de la OMS sobre atención prenatal para una experiencia positiva...
Recomendações da OMS sobre atendimento pré-natal para uma experiência gestac...
Recomendações da OMS sobre atendimento pré-natal para uma experiência gestac...
Recommandations de l’OMS concernant les soins prénatals pour que la grossesse...
Recommandations de l’OMS concernant les soins prénatals pour que la grossesse...
Respectful Maternity Care and Human Resources for Health
Respectful Maternity Care and Social Accountability
Stillbirth among women in nine states in India: rate and risk factors in study o...
The effect of antenatal care follow-up on neonatal health outcomes: a systematic...